Oobac.com was set up by a fusion of various corporate professionals with more than 25 years of experience in corporate services and business consulting.
Today, we offer you the ability to open personal or business bank accounts, form your own company, or even apply for a virtual office, in the easiest and most effective ways.
Oobac is one of the most affordable and trustworthy website providing the latest information on services like company formation, international bank accounts, secure e-mails, business addresses, credit/debit card facilities, and payment gateways, among others.
This website was set up by a fusion of various corporate professionals with more than 25 years of experience. Since May 2013 this website is managed by a new team in order to serve the clients in better and more secure way.Today we offer you access to a wide range of services in the easiest and most effective ways.
Now we are focusing to our goals to develop and expand freedom, for individuals and institutions. To achieve this, we have established our own departments, such as law, accounts, system development, financial, world trade, and business development.
Our services are geared towards ordinary people who need freedom and want to start new life. You can get all our on- and offshore services as easy as possible - without any complicated procedures or huge investments whatsoever.
Our mission is simple - that everyone in the world would get the financial freedom and security they deserve, as well as the opportunity of having their own businesses. Every day, our world is getting more and more complicated, confusing and just plain difficult. We hope that through our efforts, we can help improve each and every persons situations dramatically.
If you are interested in our services, please get in touch with our professional staff and get the kind of advice you have always dreamed of.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Oobac.com Management Team
Our Mission
All our products and services are guided by this simple principle: "freedom for everyone".
We offer opportunities for establishing big businesses, as well as powerful private bank and Mobile Wallet accounts, incorporation across countries, and various business and security tools. Through our company, you can get the advantage to finally launch your own business. We have the right resources and connections to expand your business all over the world. Furthermore, we also provide law and accounting services, along with web system services set up for you by top programmers.
We take our customers to new horizons with the new markets, ideas and opportunities we provide, all for the purpose of achieving freedom.
To free people from heavy regulations, financial problems and the burden of having to face the uncertainty of the future, and give them the freedom to go anywhere and launch their own businesses - that is our aim.
Oobac offers various business tools and basements such as incorporation services, opening of bank account, virtual office, payment gateway and so on.
Please ensure that our products and services are used only for the purposes of expanding your business and achieving financial freedom, not for illegal activities. We will not support any illegal activities, whatever the case may be.
Our aim is for you to reach new heights and secure your future through our services.
Business Tools
We offer our clients numerous business tools, namely anonymous debit cards along with any issued card, payment gateways, security measures, live operators, and many more. All Oobac products and services are available worldwide.
We believe that through these business tools, you can gain advantage and unlock bigger opportunities to expand your business.
Official Agent
We are an agent and business partner of a number of AAA private banks and Mobile Wallet.
Anti Monay Laundaring Policy
We are following the instruction and requirement of Anti Money Laundering Policy.
R. H., Hong Kong
The bank Oobac introduced me is really GOOD! Thank you for taking immediate action for me.
Company Information
NOTE: This Website is maintaned by new management and new team since May 2013.
Payment and Refund FAQs
1. All payments to OOBAC.com shall be made through bank transfers or online payments, without any intermediaries.
2. For credit card payments, we reserve the right to terminate or freeze services if fraudulent payments are made. Additionally, we also reserve the right to take permissible legal action for such acts.
3. Once an application is initiated, requests for refund shall not be entertained. Please verify that you can provide all the documents and information required by each type of application for each type of product/service before ordering.
4. If your order has not been processed and the application has not been initiated, you may request for a refund for the ordered product/service within 7 days from the date of your payment confirmation. Any refund inquiry after this period shall not be entertained.
5. Any transaction fees accumulated with regards to the payment of your order will be charged to your account.
Service Details
Service details for all products and services are described in its respective pages. Please refer to those pages for more details.
Payments for services that are paid to banks, of the government, etc., cannot be canceled after the process has been initiated. Payments can only be cancelled if the process has not been initiated.
For transactions with banks and the government, canceled payments incur penalty fees.
There are two types of cancellation. One is by our client, the other is by us. If we refuse to process your order for some reason, your payment will be refunded. On the other hand, if we suspect that your order is illegal, your payment will not be refunded, and your transaction with us will be subject to investigation.
Services fees for all products and services are listed in its respective pages.
When ordering multiple products and/or services, always double-check your order total.
Other than renewal fees, there are no hidden or additional charges for orders.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us through telephone, email or fax. You can also reach us by paying a visit to our office, or by filling up the contact form.
Contact details can be found on this page:
Contact us
Privacy Policy/Refund Policy/Disclaimer
Privacy Policy, Web Site Policy, Terms & Conditions, Refund Policy and Disclaimer can be found here.